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Online & In-Person

Purification Workshop
April 16-20, 2025
5-Day Purification Retreat (Limited Space for In-Person Contact Me)

Join Galeet Farrow M.A., LPC, therapist, author and VP of Chakra Institute, for a 5 day opportunity to reduce Apana - the cause of all negative symptomology according to Microchakra Psychology.

Apana is a steady food supply for saboteurs.
Saboteurs are energetic patterns that become mental, emotional and behavioral patterns. When Microchakra blockages link up, they create a strong force that keeps us locked in mental and behavioral ways of being that harm us and keep us from using our champions patterns effectively.

This causes a life full of suffering, whether from poor decision making, inability to focus the mind, anxious or fearful beliefs and negative and depressed thinking. At a less intense level they can keep you distracted from spiritual growth. These saboteurs have intelligence and force, they act to keep the person feeding them at the cost of the quality of life of the individual.

When Apana is reduced the 3 bodies (physical, emotional and mental) work in unison, which is the true definition of health.

When: April 16-20, 2025 Online
Cost: $325

Regular purification takes back your power from the patterns that sabotage you, allowing you to create the life you truly want and the be the person you really are.

In order to even consider opening higher states of consciousness, one must ground their apana, and purification is the best way to do that!

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5 Day Online or In-Person Purification Retreat

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